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The Morning Routine

A couple of months ago I listened to the audiobook of a book called ¨6 months to 6 figures¨ by Peter Voogd and it changed my life. I’ve read my share of books aimed to prepare you for success but this one had something different, it was focused on the action instead of the preparation. If you’re someone that enjoys this kind of books you should definitely give It a try.

One of many important lessons that I picked up from the book was to develop a morning routine, I had heard from this before but it wasn’t until Peter Voogd explained the real power that it could have on my productivity that I tried it, I’m never going back.

A morning routine is basically a set of questions that recap the important things in your life, the situations, the small daily goals and how to tackle them (the game plan). A personal example of a morning routine is the following:

  • What am I grateful for today?

  • What am I looking forward for today?

  • What am I committed to make happen today?

  • What do I want to change or improve?

  • What lessons can I learn from my current situation?

  • What are my MVPs (Most Valuable Priorities)?

  • Meditate (10-15 minutes)

The routine can take any form you want but the goal is for it to put you in the right mindset for the day, it strengthens your valuable assets, reveals your weak spots and gives you the roadmap to conquer your daily goals. Keep your goals daily as small victory goes a long way.

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